
COVID-19 has certainly impacted the entire world’s education system. As soon as the lockdown was imposed and children were asked to stay home, schools rapidly changed the way they did their work. Some schools tried old-fashioned correspondence using written mail as a medium of interaction while other more advanced schools tried to recreate the “classroom environment” by using digital channels such as Zoom. Online tutoring and practice programs also became popular and there is no debate in saying that teachers responded heroically and did everything in their capacity to help the students and keep the learning system alive. However, one thing that we have learned from the pandemic is that eLearning is not as efficient and effective as “in-person” learning. Online instructors tend to focus on theory rather than practice and students, especially those under 16, are losing the habits that schools teach them. Students are missing their classmates, they are missing the basketball courts and they are missing everything about school. State governments and local county governments are closely monitoring the situation and are working with health agencies to come to a solution that ensures a safe return to schools. This includes installing sneeze guards in public reception areas and making face coverings essential for students, teachers, and other staff. Cafeterias will remain closed and libraries will not open for a couple of months to come.

Here are some other steps recommended by

health agencies for the safe reopening of schools

  •  Schools and other educational institutions must consider hiring doctors and additional nurses or certified health personnel to ensure immediate health support to students and lead quarantine protocol activities. Schools must provide training to teachers, students, and staff on how to practice health guidelines.
  • Students or staff members who are more vulnerable and have underlying health conditions must be supported and schools should consider providing them alternative options such as teleworking. Schools should also consider exploring extracurricular activities that engage students but do not put them at risk.
  • Ensure healthy hygienic practices by providing masks and hand sanitizers. Schools should increase handwashing stations and also keep an ample quantity of alcohol-based hand sanitizers that contain at least 60% alcohol.
  • Facemasks remain the most effective way to ensure personal protection. Individuals in schools must be mandated to wear face coverings both when they are indoors and outdoors. 6ft distance cannot be continuously maintained, so facemasks help in preventing infections.
It will be interesting to see how schools will cope up with the situation. Online classes will likely continue for a couple of more months but hopefully, we will eventually move back to traditional schooling. Please click here to order Sneeze Guards or call us at 877-433-4466